My Vision
When I was a kid, I was a mega weirdo. At least that's the way I always felt. But now I've come to realize I was always just "creative." But what does that mean? Well, I suppose it simply means that I feel the need to create - and I've spent the better part of my young adult life figuring out how to monetize my creativity. Now, with the innovation of AI and society's interest in quantity over quality, I've decided to make it my life's mission to keep human creativity alive.

Since studying black and white film photography in University more than 15 years ago, I've been in love with the camera. After becoming a professional photographer in 2019, I then found a second love (and a business opportunity) in filmmaking. Now, my business Ashcroft Media Co. is my full time job and it's growing every year.
With the gift of the internet we have access to all of the knowledge that has ever existed. Because we can learn how to do things we can provide a service, and because everyone wants to share with the world, that service we learned has become extremely in demand. As photographers and filmmakers it's easier than ever to make 10k + per month.
1 hour
I love this quote from Earl Nightingale. It goes like this: "1 hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. 1 hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within 3 years." Since I started down this path of business growth, the one thing that I can attribute any success I've had to is self education - and anyone can learn what they want, when they want and how they want. It's pretty awesome, actually.
3K - 5k
The secret to growing my own business has been selling retainer contracts to small business owners. Basically, when we're able to sell deals to our clients where they sign a contract agreeing to pay us 3k - 5k per month, we can get regularity as creative freelancers and we can actually start to experience aggressive growth in our income and creative output.
Photographers will always be in demand for events and weddings, and certainly for small businesses who need their unique products, services and employees actually shared. As far as video marketing goes, I did a number of quick Google searches and the data is pointing to at least a 10% growth in the our industry through 2031. That makes me want to keep pushing and growing as a creative freelancer. How 'bout you?
My Product
I built Creative Business Mastery because I wanted to share my experiences with other creatives, in the hopes that what I've learned helps even one person like me. I spent years conceptualizing it and months locked in my office scripting, filming and editing. I suffered to build this thing, and I'm pretty excited about it.

Get in touch
I love chatting about life, business and photo/video techniques. Feel free to reach out about anything at all.